Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend in Utah

This last weekend I went to Utah with my siblings. We went down there on Thursday and went to stay with my cuz Maria. Mom and Dad were going to California to go to Mikes wedding. On the way down we stopped in Spanish Fork to get Drew's hair cut. It took alot longer than I thought a boys haircut would take. We got done there and went to Grandma's house to see how it was coming along. Her house is now a three bedroom and a bathroom with alot of air. No garage, kitchen or roof. There is a set of stairs to the empty basement, but other than that it is air. On our way up to Hooper we stopped to eat at Chadders in American Fork. I got a hamburger with everything and fries. It was SO good. We continued on up to Hooper and when we got there we took all of our stuff in and ate some dinner. My parents left and then we watched a few movies, Enchanted and Cheaper By The Dozen 2, then went to bed. Friday we went to the Roy pool. We got to the pool and I was being stupid and thought I didn't need any sunscreen so I didn't put any on. I swam with everyone for about an hour then got hungry so we got out to eat. I didn't really eat anything so I just sat there and drank water and Dr. Pepper, YUM! I didn't get back in the pool for the rest of the time and just read my book and layed in the sun for a few hours. I started to burn and was stupid again and did not put on a drop of sunscreen. At about 4 we left for the house and then did I finally realize how dumb I was being. Later that evening I still wasn't eating and stiff as a board, from a severe sunburn. Marsha was the perfect aunt and did anything we asked and helped us with our sunburns. Saturday we planned to go to the zoo but we were hurting so bad there was no way we were going to be able to walk around all day, so we sat around all day and watched movies. That night was Mel's birthday party in Orem so about 5 we all got loaded into Maria's car and drove to get Natasha and go to the party. The party was fun , a cowboy theme, and lots of people showed up. The party went until about 9 and we left the church at 9:30 PM. We went back to the house and went to bed. Sunday morning we were supposed to go to church but we all slept in to late, so we didn't go and sat around again. My parents came back about 4 and we ate dinner, roast, and then played The Great Dalmuti. At about 11 we finally went to bed. Monday was spent meeting family and going to the park with Natasha's family. We were supposed to drive home that day but we sorta got carried away and didn't have time to drive back, so we stayed an extra night. This morning we left Marsha's house at about 10. We got back here and we watched a weekends worth of TV and ate raspberry cake. The weekend was goo except for the sunburning and the very bad blisters that I still have and will have on my trek on Thursday. I'll write about the trek on Saturday.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rock Creek

Today was sooo much fun! We, the 8th grade, went to Night at The Museum and then went to Rock Creek Park. Night at the Museum was hilarious and I would totally recommend it to anyone. After we got done with the movie we drove to Rock Creek for the rest of the school day. Megan and I went and found a nice tree to put our stuff. When we first got there we ate our lunch which consisted of a turkey sandwich, chips, carrots and cookies. They honestly were boring. I wanted to go down the slide and so I went and went down the slide a few times. It was a pretty boring afternoon and so we sat down again and ate some Funyons. We ate almost the whole bag throughout the day, they were so good. We then got bored so we dropped a leaf from the bridge and followed it downstream until we lost it or it went to far. We did that a few times then we decided to go and watch the volleyball game. The game wasn't all that interesting so we split and went for a walk down the path. We were at about the half-mile mark it started to rain--hard. My hair was straightened so of course, it got all curly and frizzy. I wanted to go back but Meg wouldn't let me go back, so we kept walking. It just kept getting harder and when we almost got to the end of the path Mrs. Archer came and told us that they were going back up to where the buses were picking us up. We were the last ones on the trail and so when we got back to our stuff our bags were all wet. Everything was wet except my towel so I put it on my head so my hair wouldn't get any wetter. The buses weren't there yet so when we got to the top we had to wait forever for our bus to get there. We got back to the school and there were still 20 minutes left so instead of going to my SSC class I went to Meg's class. The school day ended and here I am writing about my day.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Frisbee Golf

On Friday I went and got to skip most of school and go to CSI and play frisbee golf with the rest of the 8th graders that went the entire school year without getting remediation. We went to the first two periods of school like usual. We then left at 10:50 AM and went to load the busses. When we first got to the park we had lunch. We had slider dogs, chips, cookies and soda. I ate lunch with a different group of friends than I usually do, instead of eating with Megan, Hailey, and Kendall, I ate with Kyle, Brooke, Jay and Andy. After lunch I was talking to Megan and I was glad that I sat with the other guys. We had a good conversation and laughed ALOT. We got into our groups and got to pick our cheap-o frisbees. I got green, with Spongebob, Megan got purple with Dora, Hailey got blue with something and Kendall got yellow with something else. We started our game and I had come to realize that I CANNOT throw a freakin' frisbee. While Kendall was getting just above par, the rest of us were getting way over. We played about 7 holes regularly but it was really hot and some of our frisbees had fallen into the creek and Hailey tried and get them out. Kyle and Andy's fell in they went down the river so they couldn't play anymore. Kendall then accidentally threw his into the creek too and Hailey found a stick that worked quite well to get it out. Hailey's frisbee then fell in and everyone else tried unsucessfuly to get hers out of the creek. I saved the day by merely kneeling down and grabbed the frisbee out of the water. After the accident we decided that we were done playing. We just followed the path back to the pavilion that we ate lunch at. We layed down in the grass and just relaxed and cooled off. We did that for about 30 minutes then went across the street and played at the park fro about an hour. We swung on the swings then went and waited for the bus to come and pick us up. We got back to school and instead of going to our classes we just stood outside and waited for the bell to ring. That was so much fun I would totally do it again.