On Friday I went and got to skip most of school and go to CSI and play frisbee golf with the rest of the 8th graders that went the entire school year without getting remediation. We went to the first two periods of school like usual. We then left at 10:50 AM and went to load the busses. When we first got to the park we had lunch. We had slider dogs, chips, cookies and soda. I ate lunch with a different group of friends than I usually do, instead of eating with Megan, Hailey, and Kendall, I ate with Kyle, Brooke, Jay and Andy. After lunch I was talking to Megan and I was glad that I sat with the other guys. We had a good conversation and laughed ALOT. We got into our groups and got to pick our cheap-o frisbees. I got green, with Spongebob, Megan got purple with Dora, Hailey got blue with something and Kendall got yellow with something else. We started our game and I had come to realize that I CANNOT throw a freakin' frisbee. While Kendall was getting just above par, the rest of us were getting way over. We played about 7 holes regularly but it was really hot and some of our frisbees had fallen into the creek and Hailey tried and get them out. Kyle and Andy's fell in they went down the river so they couldn't play anymore. Kendall then accidentally threw his into the creek too and Hailey found a stick that worked quite well to get it out. Hailey's frisbee then fell in and everyone else tried unsucessfuly to get hers out of the creek. I saved the day by merely kneeling down and grabbed the frisbee out of the water. After the accident we decided that we were done playing. We just followed the path back to the pavilion that we ate lunch at. We layed down in the grass and just relaxed and cooled off. We did that for about 30 minutes then went across the street and played at the park fro about an hour. We swung on the swings then went and waited for the bus to come and pick us up. We got back to school and instead of going to our classes we just stood outside and waited for the bell to ring. That was so much fun I would totally do it again.
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